Letter to Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad

By: Abdullah ibn al Mubarak (786) O ye who worships in the vicinity of the Two Holy Masjids! If you but see us, you will realise that you are only jesting in worship. He who brings wetness to his cheek with his tears should know that our necks are being wet by our blood. He…

All Roads Lead to Rome

By: Louis Grudin (1922) She bore the smear of insult on her face, And heard the ruffian voices, and the din Of penny horns and whistles that had been Her heart; and she knew only this disgrace— That one had dressed her in a ragged gown. Caesar had been met in various ways; Like thought…

To My Mother—1916

By: S. Donald Cox (1916) If I should fall, grieve not that one so weak And poor as I Should die. Nay! though thy heart should break Think only this: that when at dusk they speak Of sons and brothers of another one, Then thou canst say—“I too had a son; He died for England’s…

To “My People,” Before the “Great Offensive”

By: Eric Fitzwater Wilkinson (1916) Dark with uncertainty of doubtful doom The future looms across the path we tread; Yet, undismayed we gaze athwart the gloom, Prophetically tinged with hectic red. The mutterings of conflict, sullen, deep, Surge over homes where hopeless tears are shed, And ravens their ill-omened vigils keep O’er legions dead.